Those who struggle with paying their debts may consider bankruptcy as a way to resolve a challenging financial situation. Debtors typically file bankruptcy to obtain a discharge, which will erase their debts so they no longer have to pay them.
Once the bankruptcy begins, an automatic stay takes effect, which prevents creditors from continuing collection efforts or suing the debtor to obtain a judgment without the bankruptcy court's permission. With very few exceptions, creditors won't be able to claim the debtor's future income or assets.
Types of Bankruptcy
There are two main types of consumer bankruptcy cases:
If you're saddled with debt that you're unable to pay, contact Treasure Coast Legal, bankruptcy lawyers who help individuals and families in and around Port St. Lucie deal with their financial problems. To find out what your options might be, contact our firm online or call 772-621-2898 to schedule an appointment today.
100 SW Albany Ave, Suite 310
Stuart, FL 34994
(772) 621-2898
101 South 2nd Street
Ft. Pierce, FL 34950
(772) 283-2626
Available for Consultation
932 SW Bayshore Blvd.
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983
(772) 621-2898
Available for Consultation