Frequently Asked Questions from Divorce Family Law Clients
- Can I Just Ignore These Department Of Revenue Letters?
- Can I pay a flat fee for my divorce or family law matter?
- Co-Parenting during a crisis
- Do I Need A Reason To Get A Divorce In Florida?
- Family, Divorce, Children and the Holidays
- Grandparent Rights
- Had a child out of wedlock? Know THIS
- How Much Will My Divorce Cost?
- How does alimony work in the state of Florida?
- How to Make your Divorce a Living Hell
- I Am Set for Mediation in My Family Law Case What Do I Need to Do?
- I am divorced. What should I do now?
- My Childs Mother and I Get Along Why Should I Sue for Paternity?
- My Spouse and I Agreed on Everything Do I Need a Lawyer for My Divorce?
- My Spouse and I Agreed to Everything Do I Have to Fill Out a Financial Affidavit?
- My spouse and I agree on everything in our divorce. Why do we need a lawyer?
- What are mandatory disclosure documents?
- What are my options in a divorce? Can we just agree or do we have to go to trial?
- What can happen if a parent is not paying child support?
- What do I need to know before mediation in my family law case?
- What does it mean when people say Florida is a no fault divorce state?
- What happens to joint debts when we divorce in Florida?
- What happens to my divorce case if it goes to trial?
- What is a financial affidavit in a family law case and why is it important?
- What is a parenting plan and why is it so important?
- What is your flat rate divorce option?
- What should I keep in mind when considering divorce?
- Why do I need to monitor my children’s social media accounts?
- Why is it important to have a lawyer with trial experience in family law?
- Why should you establish paternity for your child?