Divorce Asset Distribution

Martin County Divorce Asset Distribution Attorneys

The decision to separate a family unit is not an easy one. It can come with heartache, uncertainty, and sadness. After making the decision to separate or divorce, the next logical step is to discuss the allocation of all assets accumulated both before and after the marriage.

Martin County, Florida divorce lawyers Treasure Coast Legal have been representing clients on the east coast for several years. We understand this is a hard time for everyone and can help ease some of the stress that accompanies divorce and asset distribution.

Distributing Assets During Divorce

In some divorce proceedings, parties are unable to agree on asset distribution. The inability to agree means a judge will decide for the soon to be ex-spouses. Known as equitable distribution, a judge will look over all assets, debts, and claims from both parties and make decisions for each. Each asset, whether separate property or marital property, has a monetary value attached to it to facilitate fair (not always equal) distribution between parties.

Marital property is property acquired during a marriage and is “fair game” when assets are to be distributed. Separate property may or may not be included in divorce proceedings. In many cases it may remain solely owned by the original owner. Speak with a Florida divorce attorney to help protect your assets during divorce proceedings.

Martin County, Florida Divorce Attorney

If you are facing a divorce, don’t go it alone. During this time, the added stress of worrying about asset distribution is not necessary. Let our attorneys help you protect your assets. Stuart, Florida family law attorneys Treasure Coast Legal have extensive experience helping with divorce proceedings from beginning to end. When having someone on your side counts, Treasure Coast Legal is the right choice. Call our offices at 772-248-9250 to schedule your free family law consultation.