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Florida Family trial Attorneys

Why Is My Insurance Paying My Medical Bills When The Accident Wasn’t My Fault?

Florida’s “no fault” law requires every car owner to carry PIP insurance to pay the first $10,000.00 of medical bills related to a car accident regardless of whose fault it is. The law was passed in 1973 with the idea that it would reduce the number of claims and lawsuits, I will let you decide if it worked. Interestingly the amount of medical coverage, $10,000.00 has not changed since the law was passed. Your PIP coverage does not cover all of your bills, you are still responsible for 20% of the bills and may be subject to a deductible. If you have additional “med pay” coverage under your policy it will cover the 20% up to the limit. Even if you have your own health insurance coverage, your PIP is primary. Make sure you provide both your auto insurance and your health insurance information to all of your medical providers. Dealing with all the aspects of a car accident is difficult, call Treasure Coast Legal at (772) 248-9250 and let us take care of handling your claim, so you can concentrate on getting better.