Your bankruptcy case has been filed and now you are preparing for your 341 Meeting of Creditors. This is nothing to be nervous about. Just because it is called a meeting of creditors doesn’t mean that your creditors are going to show up, in fact it is very rare that they do. All this meeting is going to do is verify you are who you say you are and verify the property and income information already disclosed on your schedules. Please remember to bring: (1) your first month’s payment, (2) your driver’s license, and (3) your social security card. Please arrive at least thirty minutes early. Sometimes the trustee will call the meeting early and if they do not it does give me an opportunity to review your case with you.
After this meeting, I will send in that first month’s payment and you will receive information so that you can make it on your own from then on. I will attend any future hearings in your case and unless I tell you that you are required to attend, then you do not need to attend. Please remember depending on how claims come in, you payment may change. Please continue to make your payment each month on time until I discuss any change with you. You can monitor your payments online and I recommend you keep track of your payments to ensure you do not get behind.