Are you behind on your mortgage payment? We can help! 772-248-9250 If you are in danger of losing your primary residence because you are late on your monthly mortgage payments, the lawyers of Treasure Coast Legal can help. If you are more than a month behind on your mortgage payment, your bank may initiate foreclosure proceedings. Once these have begun, it can be very difficult to get your lender to reverse its decision. Our attorneys can help keep you in your home and assist you in stopping foreclosure. Contact our Fort Pierce or Stuart law office immediately as time is of the essence. Most people are aware that their adjustable rate mortgage payments can change, but with rising property values and tax millage rates, even a fixed rate mortgage can significantly increase. Many of our foreclosure defense clients fell into arrears when their payment suddenly changed after a rate or escrow adjustment. Whether you are fighting to keep your home and the equity in it or you just need to slow the foreclosure process, the attorneys at Treasure Coast Legal can offer you a plan that stops or delays foreclosure. Among the many solutions that we employ in our foreclosure defense practice are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Both types of bankruptcies have the automatic stay, which freezes the foreclosure process. Depending on certain factors, like the equity in your home and your ability to bring your mortgage current, you may be able to bring your home out of foreclosure and start fresh. At the Fort Pierce and Stuart law firm of Treasure Coast Legal, our attorneys understand just how easy it is to fall behind on your mortgage payment, particularly when there has been an upward adjustment in your payments. We pride ourselves on our ability to keep our clients in their homes. Schedule an appointment to find out if you are able to forestall foreclosure call 772-248-9250.