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Medical Bankruptcy?

There is no such thing as a “Medical Bankruptcy,” however many clients come to our offices asking about this type of bankruptcy. In truth, it is a made up term typically used by non-lawyers to describe a financial hardship caused by medical bills.

When people get behind with their medical bills, they often encounter the ugly side of medical services. As if dealing with the stress of a hospitalization or medical treatment isn’t enough, now you have to deal with debt collection calls. Medical service providers can be very aggressive with their collection efforts and are quick to seek legal avenues of collection.

Medical bills are just like credit card bills in a bankruptcy, they are typically dischargeable. Many people are ashamed to file bankruptcy because they feel like they are skipping out on their obligations. It is important to consider the economic and medical factors that brought you to this juncture and understand that there is a way out. Bankruptcy is not something to take lightly, but it is a good option for those people who find themselves unable to pay mounting medical debts.

If you find yourself facing mounting medical debt and are unsure where to turn, please contact our office for a free consultation to discuss your options.