Martin County Guardianship Attorneys
Treasure Coast Law Firm helps parents determine the guardianship of their minor children in the event of their passing
Planning for the future can be worrisome. Planning for a future in which you leave your minor children behind can be downright terrifying. Who should you choose as guardian for your child? What’s the best way to legally ensure that the care and custody of your son or daughter will be given to the person or people you chose?
When it comes to your children, you cannot risk the state making these decisions for you. Even if you are young, if you have a minor dependent it is vital that you protect him or her in your estate plan. An experienced Palm Beach County, FL estate planning lawyer at the firm of Treasure Coast Legal can guide you through the process of setting up guardianship papers and ensuring they are legally sound.
Planning Your Estate – Guardianship of a Minor
Appointing a guardian for your minor child is imperative, and there are many benefits to doing so, most significantly that you can then choose the person you feel is best suited to care for your child. Setting up guardianship also gives you time to think it over and speak with the person you select to ensure they are willing to raise your child. Keep in mind that with responsibility such as this, it is always a good idea to have a backup choice in case the person you selected as your child’s guardian is no longer able to do so when the time comes.
Arranging for the guardianship of your minor child as part of your estate plan also helps to eliminate any disagreement or unrest within the family regarding who will raise your child should you pass away or become incapacitated. Your wishes are clearly stated and, except in rare cases where a guardian may be deemed unfit, will be respected by the courts.
The guardian you appoint will care for your child’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. He or she will also be responsible for your child’s funds, including any monetary award to which they may be entitled if your death resulted in a wrongful death lawsuit or settlement.
Having a knowledgeable and compassionate Palm Beach County estate planning lawyer on your side can help ease the burden as you weigh your options. When you are ready to set up a guardianship, we will draft the paperwork and ensure that your directives are clear.
Contact Our Palm Beach County Estate Planning Lawyers
Why leave the future security of your loved ones up to chance? Let the skilled Florida estate planning attorneys at Treasure Coast Legal create a guardianship that fits your needs. Contact us to speak with an accomplished Palm Beach County estate planning attorney about your guardianship of a minor. Call us today at 772-248-9250