Bankruptcy can be an excellent retirement strategy as a way to unburden your life. When considering Bankruptcy many people shy away from filing Bankruptcy because they do not want to lose their retirement savings. Retirement accounts like pensions, 401(k)’s, and IRAs are entirely protected with a few exceptions. This is because retirement accounts qualified under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act are not considered property of the Bankruptcy Estate. What this means when considering Bankruptcy is the money you saved for retirement cannot be taken from you to pay off your debts.
100 SW Albany Ave, Suite 310
Stuart, FL 34994
(772) 621-2898
101 South 2nd Street
Ft. Pierce, FL 34950
(772) 283-2626
Available for Consultation
932 SW Bayshore Blvd.
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983
(772) 621-2898
Available for Consultation